DHI MIKE Zero 2019

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DHI MIKE Zero 2019

Checked by SentinelSuperPro Dongle Emulator.

Checked by local hostid.
Possible add any modules to license file.
Possinle change MaxNode counts.
Possinle change User counts.
Possible change Expiration date from license file.

MIKE Zero is the common user interface for many of our MIKE software products. This means, that when downloading one of these products, you will get the same MIKE Zero file. From this file and during the MIKE Zero installation, you can select installation of individual products. 

The following products are included in MIKE Zero: MIKE 21, MIKE 3, LITPACK, MIKE 11, MIKE SHE, MIKE FLOOD, MIKE HYDRO Basin, MIKE HYDRO River, DHI Remote Simulation, MIKE Animator Plus and MIKE View.

The world's leading modelling package for 2D free surface flow, waves, sediment transport, and environmental processes. The true work horse of estuarine and coastal modelling with a wider range of facilities and modules than any similar package.

A complete 3D modelling package for estuaries, coastal areas, and seas. It covers a wide range of hydrodynamic, environmental, and sediment transport processes.

An integrated modelling system for littoral processes and coastline kinetics. It covers the modelling of non-cohesive sediment transport in waves and currents, littoral drift, coastline evolution, and profile development along quasi-uniform beaches.

The world's leading professional engineering software tool for 1D simulation of hydrology, hydraulics, water quality and sediment transport in estuaries, rivers, irrigation systems and other inland waters.

An integrated hydrological modelling system, which covers the entire land phase of the hydrological cycle.

A dynamically linked one-dimensional (MIKE URBAN or MIKE HYDRO River) and two-dimensional (MIKE 21) flood modeling package. For installation, please refer to the instructions given in the release note.

The common platform for some of the Water Resources products. Includes MIKE HYDRO Basin for Water Resources planning and management studies and MIKE HYDRO River for 1D hydrodynamic river modeling.

More Information.

How make License file for HDI MIKE 2019 Product



EDIsecure CMS Advanced/Corporate v4.0.3
Possible generate any license file configuration

MCOSMOS-3 v3.3.R3 (possible include all modules)
MCOSMOS-3 v4.0.R4 (possible include all modules)
MCOSMOS-3 v4.2.R1 (possible include all modules)
MeasurLink v7.4.4

EnCase v6.13.0.43

WindPRO 2.4.0
Possible generate all modules.

infraWizard 2020 v20.1.1
Generate activation codes

Webasto Thermo Test v2.16

DrillSIM-5 v6.130.38
Possible make for:
DrillSIM-20, DrillSIM-50,  DrillSIM-500, DrillSIM-5000
Technosoft IFC Manager v1.0
Structural Toolkit v5.4.3.1 + Analysis Plus
Possible include all modules
Possible change subscription expiration date

RFMS Measure v15.0 PREMIER 
Local authorization server.

LabSolutions v5.82
OILMAP Professional v6.10.2.3
Possible include all possible modules in emulator
HMTopJetX4 v2.1 P3 T14
Remove Sentinel HL Dongle Protection
Easy Net Controller v1.2.1.4
Possible generate any license configuration file
WinPlus-IP v1.12.2.102
Generate Activation License

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