TOPCON - MAGNET Office Tools v3.0.1 x64 Offline

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TOPCON - MAGNET Office Tools v3.0.1 x64 Offline

USB Mass Storage Dongle Dublicate

As an proven software solution, MAGNET Tools today is the result of years of user input and has resulted in a simplified yet powerful “tool”. A key component to the MAGNET software workflow, MAGNET Tools supports a large library of industry file formats to keep your projects moving forward. At it's core, MAGNET Tools provides customizable processing and adjustment options for data collected using optical total station systems and GNSS hardware.

Discover MAGNET Tools features and benefits:

  • Process of field measurements of combined methods of GNSS and total stations
  • Create and manage descriptive Code Libraries
  • Visualize field work in Google Earth, 3D orbital view, CAD view, and more
  • Automatic error checking for efficient processing of field measurements
  • Generate and customize reports of field work
  • Direct export to Bentley imodel or Autodesk's AutoCAD Civil 3D software 

More Information.

Solution: USB Mass Storage Dongle Dublicate




Design 3D, Design Dobby, Design Jacquard, Design Desk Pro

Impla 3D v5.0.5
Impla 3D v6.0.5 
Libellula.VISIO v5.0.4
Dongle Emulator, Registration KeyGen, Crack expiration license

Comfortline v1.14.0.2
Comfortline v1.29.1.0

3D Embroidery v7.0
Include all modules.

Sage Timberline Estimating TRA-SER Integrator

HiCAD neXt 2005
Used HARDLOCK RUS license, possible change license information.

Cut Rite v12.00.5
Possible activate all modiles

impact 2010 Service Pack 3
Possible include all modules

Teledyne Controls – Data Collection Unit (Version N, May 26 2000)
Remove Sentinel PRO Dongle protection (MS-DOS System)
ViegaCAD v5.0
Possible generate activation codes for all modules.
Generate License File
Possible generate activation code.
Structural Toolkit v5.4.3.1 + Analysis Plus
Possible include all modules
Possible change subscription expiration date

TurboNest 2012 v10.0.1.4605
Possible include all possible features modules.


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