AirBox v4.4.5 (build 1170) PRO

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Checked by WIBU-BOX Dongle Emulator
Possible change License Information

Available PlayBox modules:

  • AirBox x 7
  • CaptureBox
  • ListBox
  • DataBox
  • TitleBox
  • SafeBox
  • KramerSwitch
  • GPI
  • Trimer

Universal SD/HD content playout and streaming. 24/7 unattended operation, MPEG2, AVC/H.264, HDV and DV compression scalability, large variety of sources supported, hardware Independence are the typical highlights of AirBox. Ideally suited for time-critical live operations. Professional device support through GPI, RS232, VDCP is also available. Redundant playout makes it perfect for fail-safe environments.

AirBox Multi Parallel Output – AirBox MPO enables the running of two or more outputs so that broadcasters can easily provide parallel outputs in any combination needed to deliver the content. HD SDI, SD SDI (with realtime rescaling) and IP streaming, or for example, output in H.264 (MPEG-4) and MPEG-2 at the same time.

AirBox supports MPEG1/2/H.264, HDV and DV streams from virtually every known production platform providing AVI, MPEG, WMV, Quick Time or MXF content. Files from third-party servers such as Leitch or Seachange are natively supported.

For live productions, any changes to the playlist during on-air session are possible! There are no qued or locked clips. Every clip in the playlist, except the one which is currently playing, can be trimmed, edited or repositioned. Moreover, playlist order can be changed on-the-fly with commands like skip to next or jump. Such order changes are performed seamlessly without stopping current playout session. Live productions are facilitated by the powerful Live Show Clipboard which allows insertion and/or execution of various events or live streams.



Possible generate activation code.
HawkEye v5.8.12.2019
Possible make HawkEye™ Filed or HawkEye™ Well Planning

Dentero Viewer v1.4.7
Aligment / CDT Export / 3D Cutter / 3D Measure / Merge / Milling Direction / Praepline finder
License creator.

WinFood v3.9.0
Support Eutron Smartkey & Feitian ROCKEY4ND Dongle Emulator
Delph INS Subsea Edition v3.2.2
Possible change license information
EnCase v6.13.0.43
ICam v3.07.00 Build 465
Possible found ALL Activation code for configuration.

IScan3D v2.6.5
IScan3D v3.0.35 (possible change license)

NaviPac v3.8.5 (possible include all modules)

Libellula.HVAC v1.0.20 (x86 & x64)
Dongle Emulator, Crack expiration license

TurboNest 2012 v10.0.1.4605
Possible include all possible features modules.

Veeptool v16
Possible generate activation codes for any modules

EASYLABEL v6.2.2.1864
Possible make any license configuration:
Print Only, Terminal Server, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Multi User, Net Printer Server


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