PFR Engineering Systems - REFORM-3PC v8.0.3.1

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Checked by Sentinel HL Dongle Emulator
Solution include emulator + crack main EXE file

REFORM-3PC is a rating program for the firebox sections of Steam-Methane Reformer furnaces, which are used in Hydrogen, Ammonia and Oxo-Alcohol production. Based on user-supplied furnace geometry, combustion and catalyst data, and process information, the program calculates operating parameters such as firing rate, furnace efficiency, tube skin temperatures, gas-and process-side temperature profiles, heat duties, process composition profiles, and fluxes.

REFORM-3PC simulates most reforming furnace types such as Up, Down, or Side Fired rectangular and cylindrical types, as well as Terrace Wall. It can model any catalyst shape or size. REFORM-3PC performs process-side kinetics calculations based on stream composition and temperature for each tube increment. The program uses a 3-dimensional flue gas zone analysis and accurate process-side kinetics for each tube increment. Both primary and secondary (combustion) reactions are calculated.

REFORM-3PC has a user-friendly graphical input system and multiple, user-controlled output options, such as, graphical output, spreadsheet output and tabular output. The input system contains on-line help and input limit and error checking.

More Information.



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Possible generate any license file configuration
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Vienna Test System v6.80.000
Possible change expiration date

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