MDA Electronica - IsoCAM v5.0.11 (Pro)

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MDA Electronica - IsoCAM v5.0.11 (Pro)

Checked by EUTRON Smartkey Dongle Emulator

Isolation milling software for Windows.
Isocam 5.0 developed, this program can read various plot data and drill files, you can adjust these if necessary and then generate isolation patterns.
Thanks to our experience with the design of CCD machines, the associated electronics and the software and on the other hand to listen to the need from the market, we have built in a number of important functions that makes this program very user friendly. Especially in situations where different people often have to use this software, this program is the solution.
Two versions are available: Isocam and Isocam Pro.
The Isocam Pro version has a number of extra features, so you can use e.g. Import DXF files or Bitmaps.
There is an automatic borehole recognition, you can select a whole network and provide it with a tool of choice of an insulation pattern. etc.

More Information.        Download Software.




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Dongle Emulator, Crack expiration license
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Possible generate any license configuration file

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