DHI WEST 2021 (x32 & x64 bit)

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DHI WEST 2021 (x32 & x64 bit)

Checked by Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Emulator
Possible add any modules to license file.
Possinle add unlimited MaxNode counts.
Possible remove Expiration restriction from license file.

WEST 2021 is the fourth release of the re-designed and re-engineered version of WEST, the powerful and user-friendly tool for dynamic modelling and simulation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and integrated urban water system (IUWS). The extensive state-of-the art model library of WEST enables one to model and evaluate almost any kind of modern WWTP and a variety of IUWS systems.

WEST 2021 comes in four different flavors:

  • WESTforDESIGN: Construction of plant models using standard blocks, simulation, output visualization, and computation of user-specified objective functions
  • WESTforOPTIMIZATION: Construction of plant models using standard and custom blocks, simulation, output visualization, computation of user-specified objective functions, and execution of advanced experiments
  • WESTforOPERATORS: Simulation, output visualization, and computation of user-specified objective functions on the basis of a fixed executable plant model, previously prepared by WESTforDESIGN or WESTforOPTIMIZATION
  • WESTforAUTOMATION: Software Development Kit for the integration of the WEST engine in custom applications

More Information.



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