CAREL - 1tool v2.10.30

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CAREL - 1tool v2.10.30

Checked by EUTRON SmartKey Dongle Emulator

1tool is the development tool for the CAREL programmable controller platform.
It features five different environments available to the developer for managing all phases of the application program: from design to testing and debugging and right up to commissioning in the field.
The fundamental aspect of this tool is integration. All the environments are linked together to best support development of the application program.
Each environment is dedicated to the development of a specific function and interacts with the other environments so as to ensure the developer:

  • greater reliability, thanks to the real time error notification in the design phase;
  • a reduction in development times using the new functions available, above all the new libraries of functional modules;
  • flexibility in terms of software customisation.

All these features, new graphics and user-friendliness make 1tool an excellent product that responds to a variety of needs for HVAC/R applications.

More Information.

Solution: EUTRON SmartKey Dongle Emulator



KIBES v7.4

Data & Dravings 10
TOP 10
Pollible generate activation codes.

impact 2010 Service Pack 3
Possible include all modules

RM2006 v9.49.05
Trimble Business Center v2.60 - v2.93
Autoship Pro v9.2.0
Remove unknow dongle type
Easy Release 9.2 SP1
Possible generate any activation code modules.
Easy.Form, Easy.Stat, Easy.Cut, Easy.Beam,  Easy.Vol
Eureka Robot v5.7 x64 bit
Possible change license to BASIC, LITE, PRO version.
DevStudio DTG Rip v7.1 (Build 5275)
Possible include all possible modules

Easy OnAir VGA v9.5 Build 015 (x64)
Request for real license file, write to

infraWizard 2020 v20.1.1
Generate activation codes
REFORM-3PC v8.0.3.1
emulator + crack main EXE file

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