Universal HASP/HASP4 Emulator Professional Edition

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Universal HASP/HASP4 Emulators for Windows 95-ME and Windows W2K-XP.


Project Universal HASP Emulator is closed and not supported any more.

The Emulator is very old and can not run on modern computers.
If after the registration of the emulator reports that is not registered, then the computer is not supported.

This does not refer to the emulator for Windows 95-ME, hi must work on 100%.


Many years ago we were completely reverse HASP4 dongle, and create universals emulators.
On the internet you can easily find copies of our emulators.

For its time, it was a breakthrough in emulation systems.

He could shoot a dump with real keys and emulate them on the fly.
Edit and modify HASP dongle configuration, memory, Dongle ID and more.

You can download it from here:

HASP/HASP4 Emulator Proffessional Edition v2.33.a002  - OLNLY for Windows W2K-XP/2003 Server x32 bit.
HASP/HASP4 Emulator PreProffessional Edition v1.07 - ONLY for Windows 95-ME.

Before installing the Emulator install this 
Original HASP4/HASP HL drivers


Now You can register these emulator ABSOLUTELY FREE !!!

KEYGEN for HASP/HASP4 Emulator Proffessional Edition v2.33.a002

1. UnZip this Keygen. Archive password: brstudio.com
2. Execute HEPE_KG.exe on computer where you want use Emulator.
3. Keygen create haspemul.reg file. Execute haspemul.reg for insert information in system registry.

If after registration you do not see registration information in the HASP Emulator About window, then your computer is NEW and the emulator on it can not work. Try to find an older computer or try using virtual machines with Windows XP to work with the emulator.


HASP / HASP4 Dump Analizer V 1.07

You can use this utility to convert a .DMP file into a .REG file dump for use in Universal HASP/HASP4 Emulator Proffesional Edition

Convert your dumps and make them into the system registry of your computer.

Easy Net Controller v1.2.1.4
Possible generate any license configuration file

MACS V4.5.1

TRUMPF TOPS100 v05.41.00_B001
TRUMPF TOPS300 v05.10.06
Possible generate any license configuration.
CAT TEM Evolution System JView v3.5.2
Service WIBU-BOX Dongle RED
Authorization WIBU-BOX Dongle YELLOW
LifeNetServer v2.15.1
Remove SoftLock Activation
Possible Change Modules Configuration
WinCNC - WinFlexIPS v6.0.3
Used HARDLOCK RUS license, possible change license information.

Tetra AirAnalyzer v3.4.6.2

StudioRIP v3.9.355
AutoNester-T v700.7196.0.0 x64 bit
Checked on Chinese Software SuperNest v7.0

Data Management Software for Environmental
Measurement AS-60 Data Management + RT + VM

SpatialAnalyzer 2019.05.16.55321 x32 & x64
Possible change license for new software version.
Possible include ALL possible modules.

PSCAD v4.3.1.0 - v4.5.3
Generate local or server licene file.


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