RISA Technologies, Inc. - RISA-ADAPT-RT/RC v21.0.0
Checked by Sentinel SuperPro/UltraPro Dongle Emulator
ADAPT-PT/RC is the state-of-the-art industry standard computer program for the analysis and design of one-way or two-way conventional reinforced and post-tensioned floor systems and beams. It is based on a single-story frame analysis with upper and lower columns. For two-way floor systems, the equivalent frame modeling of ACI can be used as an option. ADAPT-PT/RC is a Windows-based program. ADAPT-PT/RC treats multi-span continuous slab/plate and beam frames with or without cantilevers.
ADAPT-PT/RC can be launched in a PT mode or RC mode for an applicable design. Saved files are interchangeable and can be opened in either mode once they are created. This dual functionality allows the user to easily navigate between reinforced concrete and post-tensioned design and determine the most suitable and economical design.
Service WIBU-BOX Dongle RED
Authorization WIBU-BOX Dongle YELLOW
RZL Bilanzierung v1.41
Pic2Plate v1.0.6.21
Generate full license file.
HiCAD neXt 2005
Used HARDLOCK RUS license, possible change license information.
Sage Timberline Estimating TRA-SER Integrator
Magnet AXIOM v2.0.0.9322
USB Mass Storage Dongle Duplicate
WorkNC G3-21.06F
WorkNC G3-21.09
WorkNC 23.02B
Possible change license.
CADMAN PL v31.04
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