PitronimTr - MAPPIT 2013
Checked by Sentinel HASP SRM Dongle Emulator
Possible include all modules
Software Solutions in the Geodetic Field :
We specializes in innovative software solutions in the geodetic field. Our guiding concept in solution design is to shift as many tasks as possible from the operator to the software. "Smart" algorithms enable the software to perform jobs of analysis and identification hitherto performed by man.
These capabilities save a great deal of work time and improve quality control, leaving the operator free to perform jobs in which his decision-making capability and experience are essential.
DesignConcept Furniture v5.R1
Domino Forniture v5.R3.C2
Formaris Forniture v6.R1 SP8
MACS V4.5.1
DynaCal Calibration v5.4.6.9
Callidus 2014.11.03
Callidus 2016.05.08
Possible generate full Activation code
Electri JCAD v8.6
Cut Rite v11
Possible activate all modiles
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