GEF Ingenieur AG - sisKMR v28.14.2.0

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GEF Ingenieur AG - sisKMR v28.14.2.0

Checked by Sentinel HASP SRM Dongle Emulator
Possible make update for new software versions

isKMR is a program for the static calculation of buried and open-air pipe systems. It calculates hot buried pre-insulated bonded pipe systems as well as all kinds of open-air 3-dimensional pipe systems in the fields of district heating, industry and plant construction.
sisKMR is based on a beam-element program with which the sections of 3-dimensional pre-insulated bonded pipe systems with any number of branches can be calculated taking non-linear reactions of the earth and expansion cushions into consideration. In addition sis KMR contains standard modules for the fast calculation of common practical situations.

More Information.



OrisDent 9001 Professional FULL v7.15 rel 881

MACS V4.5.1

TCAS-PRO v4.9.1179.0
Possible change license to BASIC, LITE, STANDARD and PRO version.
Libellula.BUDGET v5.0.3
Dongle Emulator, Crack expiration license
Keil C51 Compiler v7.04

Crucial Design v1.5505 Build 1 Revision 505

Viptool Master 5
Cheched by HARDLOCK and HASP SRM Dongle Emulators
Possible generate activation codes for any modules
DrillSIM-5 v6.130.38
Possible make for:
DrillSIM-20, DrillSIM-50,  DrillSIM-500, DrillSIM-5000
Technosoft IFC Manager v1.0
EASYLABEL v6.2.2.1864
Possible make any license configuration:
Print Only, Terminal Server, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Multi User, Net Printer Server

StarLog Products:
MUD.LOG v6.4.2
STRIP.LOG v6.4.2

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