FGEU mbH - EFC400ST - Electric and Magnetic Field Calculation v2012 (Build 3090) LF

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FGEU mbH - EFC400ST - Electric and Magnetic Field Calculation v2012 (Build 3090) LF

Checked by Aladdin HARDLOCK Dongle Emulator

The program EFC-400 was originally developed for the computation of low frequency magnetic and electric fields of conductors. Computing is carried out using the law of Biot-Savart and the charge method, allowing any arbitrary arrangement of conductors in three-dimensional space. Due to the three-dimensional ansatz, it is possible to solve every quasi-stationary problem in the low-frequency range.
In the next step of development audible noise and RF-level calculation for high voltage equipment have been implemented.
The latest implementation is the computation of high frequency field strengths and power density according to VDE 0848, with the possible calculation of beam characteristics from vertical and horizontal aperture angles or importing fractional beam diagrams.

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