EDIsecure CMS Advanced/Corporate v4.0.3

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Checked by WIBU-BOX Dongle Emulator
Possible generate any licence file configuration


EDIsecure CMS Corporate Edition suits perfectly to big companies and organizations with thousands or millions of card owners. It offers all features of the CMS Advanced Edition and adds some more functions.

  • Network-compatible software
  • Highly developed software solution for multi-user-network-connections
  • Activity protocol
  • Card order history and reporting
  • Output documents (printing the protocols of acknowledgment on paper)
  • Data import out of JDBC-databases (ODBC)
  • Support of Java scripting to implement external functions
  • Support of the connection of biometric recording modules (as an option)
  • Optional security characteristics for government applications
  • Encoding options for barcodes, magnetic stripes and chip cards (contact and contactless)




Tebis v3.3 Release 4
SignBlazer\6 v6.0.11
Generate Activation Code
KCD Doors Plus v10.064.020

Possible include all modules.
Possible change expiration date.
Possible update real UNIKEY dongle.
Pyramix Virtual Studio v6.0.11 SP1B2
Possible include all modules

NaviPac v3.8.5 (possible include all modules)

CorobCARD PLUS v4.12
CorobLAB v4.0.7

Colour Composter v9.0

Add:  [27.05.2016] Possible generate activation codes for ALL Corob Software

GASTWARE v3.10.5.503

ControlST Software Suite v04.07.09C 
Include all possible modules in emulator

Lateral Flow Reader v4.5.1.408

CardioDay v2.3.3.1 (GER)

StarLog Products:
MUD.LOG v6.4.2
STRIP.LOG v6.4.2
OneHand slot machine v1.2.1.3
OES Bolt2 v3.1.4.9 x64 bit
Generate Activation Code

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