DevStudio - DevStudio DTG Rip v7.1 (Build 5275)

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DevStudio - DevStudio DTG Rip v7.1 (Build 5275)

Checked by Feitian ROCKEY4ND / NetROCKEY4ND Dongle Emulator
Possible include all possible modules

DevStudio DTG RIP

Specific RIP Software for T-Shirt printing
Ease of use, power and flexibility, BG.A.P.TM *proprietary technology for printing on colored T-Shirts with reduced consumption, light feel and pleasant to the touch.

Proprietary* BG.A.P.TM (Patent Pending), it allows you to generate a
5-channel profile that uses the color of the T-Shirt as additional color minimizing the use of inks, CMYK and White. This gives the t-Shirt a much more natural look and feel, as it drastically reduces consumption and therefore the thickness of the ink layer on the fabric.

More Information.




Mozaik &  Optimize v13.1.6
Possible generate Licenses:
Kitchen Sketch, Mozaik Design, Mozaik Design Pro, Mozaik Manufacturing, Mozaik CNC Complite, Mozailk CNC Operator, Mozailk MFG+OPT, Mozaik Enterprise, Mozaik CNC Operator (Ent.)

Examine3D v4.0
Phase2 v5.0
Slide v5.0
Microcam v4.0
Remove China SafeNet SoftDog protection
Motorola OLE Process Control 3.10
Possible include Unlimited numper of RTUs and Items

ControlST Software Suite v04.07.09C 
Include all possible modules in emulator

Generate License File
Caneco-BT v5.6.0.14 Franch
Possible include all modules
TRUMPF TOPS100 v05.41.00_B001
TRUMPF TOPS300 v05.10.06
Possible generate any license configuration.
HMTopJetX4 v2.1 P3 T14
Remove Sentinel HL Dongle Protection
Structural Engineering Library (SEL) v12.20.2.9

Generate Product Control Code
Generate Manual Activation Code
Sistema de Automacao Topografica
for AutoCAD 2000 - 2014

LaserMaxx EVO-5 Console v5.2.0.24
LaserMaxx Console v8.10
Possible change license

Syptomen-Lexicon-Digital v3.0

Caneco Implantation v2.5.2 SP4
Possible include all modules

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