ClassX Applications v6

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ClassX Applications v6

Checked by Feitian ROCKEY2 Dongle Emulator

ClassX offers a wide range of products and solutions, from 2D/3D graphics template editors to media-rich playout systems. All software modules are developed on an open architecture and design. Based on industry standards and designed to allow maximum customization of a Broadcaster’s workflow, the ClassX platform features high-end live and automated graphics solutions, distributed architectures and seamless integration among all areas with selected third-party technologies.

The solutions for CG and graphics are the perfect blend of power, flexibility, innovation and ease of use for hundreds of satisfied customers. Our solutions ensure system scalability, return on investment and achieving robust, comprehensive and integrated workflows.

More Information.

Solution: Feitian ROCKEY2 Dongle Emulator




WinProp Suite v13 SP7

Model v9.16 & Model Plus v1.16 x32 and x64 bit
Possible remove date restriction
EnCase v6.13.0.43

DigSILENT PowerFactory v13.1.257
DigSILENT PowerFactory v14.0.510
DigSILENT PowerFactory v15.1.4 (x64) 
Possible include full functions license.

RoboDK  v5.8.0 (x32 & x64 bit)
Possible Generate Any Standalone Licenses:
Professional, Ballbar, ISO9283,  Calibration, Unlimited


Visual Window v1.0.0.1
Symphony Plus v1.1.1
Possible generate any license configuration

Colibry CAM v4.67
Colibry Tools v4.12
Easy CAD v3.7
and other products.

Micromine v9.2.1
KIBES v7.4

PrintSmith v7.2 - 8.1.28
Possible generate license.

Landis+Gyr .MAP110 v6.1.20
Possible generate any license configuration

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