CardioScan Premier 11 v12.5.0078a Build 20150324 & CardioScan Holter Software v10.5.0079a Build: 20220628
Checked by HASP SRM Dongle Emulator
CardioScan Holter ECG Systems
- Easy editing of multi-day recordings into one report, with individual access to each daily 24-hour file
- Industry-leading arrhythmia analysis tools (VE, SVE, Aberrant,Bigeminy, Trigeminy, Pairs, Runs, Sustained Brady, Tachy, Bundle Branch Block, Ventricular Escape, etc.)
- A-Fib detection and editing for any period (1-30 days)
- Comprehensive ST analysis in under 10 seconds
- QT/QTc, SAECG, VCG, T-Wave Alternans
- Pacemaker program
- Color-coded Full Disclosure for each individual beat
- Customizable reports
Easy CG Plus Design v1.1.3.0
Possible generate any license configuration file
Only for users with a real license, use on multiple computers.
GateCycle v6.1.4.0
Hardlock Dongle Emulator or CrypKey Activation
Possible include all modules
WorkNC G3-21.06F
WorkNC G3-21.09
WorkNC 23.02B
Possible change license.
Checked by Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Emulator.
Checked by localhost SN ID.
Possible add any modules to license file.
Possinle change MaxNode counts.
Possinle change User counts.
Possible change Expiration date from license file.
How make License file for HDI MIKE 2019 Instructions
Checked by Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Emulator.
Possible add any modules to license file.
Possinle add unlimited MaxNode counts.
Possible remove Expiration restriction from license file.
TurboNest 2012 v10.0.1.4605
Possible include all possible features modules.
dSoft products activations.
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