Accura Surveys Ltd - BestFit Dimensional Control Application v7.2 Rev.2

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Accura Surveys Ltd - BestFit Dimensional Control Application v7.2 Rev.2

Checked by WIBU-KEY/WIBU-BOX Dongle Emulator

The DC package of choice used worldwide by survey companies, engineering departments and construction yards working in the oil and gas industries. Quick to learn and use with Windows look and feel. Enables the most complex of surveys to be undertaken in a quality assured manner.
Standard routines include circle fitting, translations, rotations, 2D &3D best-fits, corner fits, plane fits, pitch & roll, plotting in CAD, flange calculations etc. Many of the advanced functions are unique to BestFit and save time whilst improving accuracy and quality (reflectorless routine, bundle fit adjustment, fixed radii circle fit, flange angle diagrams).

More Information.




Conductor v2.0 FULL
Possible change license edition.

TCAS-PRO v4.9.1179.0
Possible change license to BASIC, LITE, STANDARD and PRO version.

Pic2Plate v1.0.6.21
Generate full license file.

Somantic Vision Product Activation

CAS 5 v5.67.0.01 (Colculation & Configuration - Channel Edition)
Generate activation codes

L3 Integration Manager v1.0.5.02

Opty-Way v8
Possible include ALL modules

dSPACE Release 7.1
Possible make Emulator if you have any license files.

EASYLABEL v6.2.2.1864
Possible make any license configuration:
Print Only, Terminal Server, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Multi User, Net Printer Server


Veeptool v16
Possible generate activation codes for any modules

Viptool Master 5
Cheched by HARDLOCK and HASP SRM Dongle Emulators
Possible generate activation codes for any modules
EIVA NaviSuit 2017
Possible include any modules
Model32 v8.31
Possible remove time restriction.
Procut 2023 v23.2.24015.3
Possible include all modules

WinFrog v3.10.5
Possible include all modules

SEE Electrical Expert v4R2 (4.4) French edition
Possible include additional modules.

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