Atlas Copco - RCS Trainer v2.1

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Atlas Copco - RCS Trainer v2.1

Checked by Feitian ROCKEY4ND Dongle Emulator

Since Atlas Copco first introduced its electronic Rig Control System (RCS) in 1998, innovative features based on RCS have come steadily, one after another. Automating the control of various rig functions replaces human experience and multiple  inputs from joysticks and switches with computerized inputs based on sensors and software.

The most noticeable gain from automation is that the control system will not deviate from how it was trained to perform. While even the most masterful driller varies slightly in performance from one repetition to the next due to fatigue, distraction or simple error, RCS performs each repetition with reliable precision. A master driller might beat its time in a single repetition, but for most tasks, the automated system will outpace the driller by the end of a shift. It also means automated operating performance can be replicated shift after shift, no matter which human operator is monitoring the automation.

More Information.

Solution: Feitian ROCKEY4ND Dongle Emulator



Accubid Classic Estimating v15
Possible include all modules
Libellula.WIZARD v2.4.4
Dongle Emulator, Registration KeyGen, Crack expiration license

Electri JCAD v8.6

AirBox v7.0.0.1221 PRO
ListBox v7.0.0.1221 PRO
and other Athensa LLC products

Possible make any modules configuration
Possible change expiration date

Conductor v2.0 FULL
Possible change license edition.

Possible generate activation codes.
DiaVision v3.8

ControlST Software Suite v04.07.09C 
Include all possible modules in emulator

Sim4Life v7.2.3.12730
FlexLm Full license Crack
StudioRIP v3.9.355
Programming Station iTNC530

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