ATDI - ICS telecom EV v15.2.1 (x32 and x64)

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ATDI - ICS telecom EV v15.2.1 (x32 and x64)

Checked by Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Emulator
Possible include additional modules
Possible change expiration date

ICS telecom EV

leading industry tool for radio network planning and spectrum engineering

Multiple technologies - One Solution:
IoT • LTE • 5G • Radar • HF • Microwave links • RRL • Broadcasting • Wind farms • Maritime • Aviation & UAV • Critical communications • Mobile & fixed networks • Satellites • Spectrum engineering • Radio-localization • White space • Dynamic spectrum • Co-existence

Planning, modelling and regulating radiocommunications in the frequency range 8kHz to 350GHz requires the computation of connectivity, traffic flow and interference between subscribers and nodes and other assets within any network. This is a core function of ICS telecom EV.

ICS telecom EV - EVolution - incorporates analysis methods from leading institutions including the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). ICS telecom EV is a mature application that is under continuous development. It is in use by regulators, systems integrators, network operators and consultants worldwide.

In today’s multi-technology world, it is essential that any software tool considers such interaction in a technology service and topology-neutral fashion.

ICS telecom EV is the ideal tool for planning homogeneous and heterogeneous wireless networks. Its statistics capability also allows virtual networks to be modelled. ICS telecom EV covers every established spectrum-dependant technology; emerging technologies are added once they have defined methods. Planning can be manual or automatic on standalone machines or networked computers.

More information.

1. Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Emulator
2. Possible change expiration date
3. Possible include modules:

  • ICS Tlecome
  • ICS Map Server
  • ICS Manager
  • ICS Design
  • ICS Expert
  • ICS Microwave
  • ICS HF Addon
  • HerTZ Mapper
  • HTZ Warfare
  • HTZ Battlefield
  • IMP Calc



Pl@ntVisor Enhansend v1.90
Possible change license file.

MIKE Zero 2017 for x64 bit

Checked by Sentinel SuperPro Dongle Emulator.
Checked by localhost SN ID.
Possible add any modules to license file.
Possinle change MaxNode counts.
Possinle change User counts.

Possible change Expiration date from license file.

How make License file for HDI MIKE 2017 Instructions

Programming Station iTNC530

BioWin Process Simulator v6.2
Possible generate activation license
Possible generate activation license for BW Controller

Windowmaker 2018 R2 v7.2.0
Possible change expiration date

WearCadfe v2.1
Activate license generation.

Veeptool v16
Possible generate activation codes for any modules

MWM TEM Evolution System JView v3.5.2
Service WIBU-BOX Dongle RED
Authorization WIBU-BOX Dongle YELLOW
PerfectCut 6.3 Upgrade Service Pack 7
Possible found all activation codes
Procut 2023 v23.2.24015.3
Possible include all modules
SEE Electrical Expert v4R2 (4.4) French edition
Possible include additional modules.

GibbsCAM 2007 v8.5


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