4M - FINE v19 & ADAPT v23 (Greece)

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4M - FINE v19 & ADAPT v23 (Greece)

Checked by Aladdin HASP HL Dongle Emulator

BIM Innovative Design: New BIM design with a total code restructure based on the ODA-Teigha libraries and a 64bit Architecture to ensure unrivaled performances on the display engine and the open/save & read/write functions.

New Interface: New BIM interface including Ribbon menus, enhanced toolbars, sophisticated property panel, enhanced dialogs for the BIM entities and widespread use of grips.

Advanced Modelling Features

  • New BIM objects (i.e. walls of any shape, corner openings, continuous surfaces on the wall joints with composite building elements etc)
  • Quick editing of the BIM objects, due to the extended property panel in conjunction with the filter selection and the use of grips.
  • Intelligent building level/floor management (images as Xrefs, smart level editor and others).
  • Clash detection while designing the HVAC/Plumbing/Electrical networks
  • Visual 3D model for the heating/cooling surfaces of the building shell
  • Flexibility to define/edit different heights in a space.
  • Option for real time editing of the network diameters/sizes (i.e. desired dimensions) through the Property Panel.
  • Ability to define the air-flow rates of a ventilation system directly on the drawing.
  • Smart algorithms in the Air Ducts module to generate the detailed 3D realistic model according to the Ashrae detailed guidelines.
  • Real time 3D sizing of the heating/cooling units following the requirements and the manufacturers’ data.
  • Parametric design of underfloor heating systems, considering snail, serpentine and meander patterns.
  • Integration of the 3D building services installation drawings within the 3D architectural model
  • High quality fast rendering to create realistic views of both, the building shell and the MEP installations (piping network, air-duct network etc).

More Information.



Structural Toolkit v5.4.3.1 + Analysis Plus
Possible include all modules
Possible change subscription expiration date
Microstran v8.11p

GateCycle v6.1.4.0
Hardlock Dongle Emulator or CrypKey Activation
Possible include all modules

Webasto Thermo Test v2.16

HiCAD neXt 2005
Used HARDLOCK RUS license, possible change license information.

ICS telecom EV v15.2.1 (x32 and x64)
Possible include additional modules
Possible change expiration date

EDIsecure CMS Standart/Standart Plus v4.0.3
Possible generate any license file configuration
Libellula.HVAC v1.0.20 (x86 & x64)
Dongle Emulator, Crack expiration license

Eberick V5 Gold, V6, V7 e V8 2014.06
Hydros v4.R10

LG FlashTool v1.4.1

SoundAware AudioLink v2.4.29.0

Colibry CAM v4.67
Colibry Tools v4.12
Easy CAD v3.7
and other products.


PrintSmith v7.2 - 8.1.28
Possible generate license.

Applications Master v5.3.0
Building Generator v2.2.0
Ortho Vista v4.5.1
GVE v3.5.15
SCOP v3.5.2
SCOP++ v5.4.5
TopDM v5.5.12
Used HARDLOCK RUS license, possible change license information.

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