3D Embroidery v7.0

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Checked by HASP4 / HASP HL Dongle Emulator
Include all modules

3D Embroidery helps you to adjust your embroideries on the computer before you sew. Personalize your embroideries in true 3D in a real hoop. Rotate your embroideries to any degree, mirror them from side to side or end to end and scale or resize your embroideries. Adjust the colors to the thread shades from your preferred manufacturer, or even create your own threads, then combine with lettering or shapes. ColorSort to intelligently re-sort the color order of a design to reduce the number of thread changes.
Cut, copy or paste embroideries to and from other 3D Embroidery System modules.

Use 2D editing to alter individual stitches or whole blocks of stitches, even insert new stitches. Manage colors in your embroideries: move colors up or down, merge color blocks and insert color changes. Also use editing for precise adjustment of angle and size.
Add lettering with your choice of 23 line types. Use the QuickFont Wizard to create new fonts for 3D Embroidery from any TrueTypeо or OpenTypeо font on your computer. Use special machine fonts to place lines of motif stitches. Browse shapes by thumbnail image directly on the Shape Page of the control panel. Adjust the satin and fill patterns for many fonts and shapes.



ELCAD v7.3.2
EIVA NaviSuit 2017
Possible include any modules
Wind turbine design v4.6.0.64

Conductor v2.0 FULL
Possible change license edition.

Data Video 2007
Data Volley 2007

IperSpaceMax v1.3
OneHand slot machine v1.2.1.3

COPRA® RF 2011 Standalone
Possible include all modules

NaviPac v3.8.5 (possible include all modules)

NetExchange Server Software v3.20
Generated universal activation key
EnCase v6.13.0.43

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