FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Dongle Emulators:
The dongle is part of the software protection in the form of a LPT or USB key.
It works on a simple principle, dongle plugged into a computer - protected program works, dongle unplugged - protected program does not work.
In any case, if you are an authorized user of the program protected by dongle, to protect themselves from the loss of the dongle or breakage - beter make ordering emulator.
Dongle emulator is a software copy of your hardware dongle, written in driver level, or a dll library or in any other way.
Most often it is the driver. When installing emulator in an operating system, the protected program thinks that works with real dongle.
No, we do not make copies of hardware dongles (dongle duplicates).
We make only emulators.
We do not see nothing wrong in making software copies of your dongle. You legally purchased software and are eligible.
But any relationship governed by the laws of the country in which you reside.
Examine the license agreement protected program and, hopefully, you know the laws of your country of residence and make a decision.
However, we are not liable for illegal use of the backup (emulators) by our clients. All Responsibility lies with the end user.
Dongle dump is collected information from your dongle to create emulation.
For this purpose, used special programs writing by us or third parties.
It does not always get all the necessary information to emulate the dongle. It does not always get all the necessary information to emulate the dongle only dumps. Sometimes, we need additional information from a communication dongle with program. For this need to get dongle logs.
Like any well-placed business, we cherish our reputation.
You can not worry, we do not share the dump / log data with anyone.
We guarantee, All the information you supply to us will stay confidential.
Not. All our dumpers and utilities are absolutely safe for your dongle.
Firstly, we need to check on the emulator compatible with the protected program.
Secondly, sometimes before receiving dump need more information to make the dump, we can find it only in a protected program.
And last, it happens that the additional information for the emulation we can only be found in the protected program.
Ohhh Yeaaahhhh.... Sarcasm :)
If you think that we can by thinking like psychics to determine what information is in your dongle or use a set of magic wands to create an emulator without a protected program, you are wrong. It is as impossible as trying to be a doctor of medicine to treat a patient from a distance.
Let's be realistic. To solve the problem we need information from the dongle and the protected program.
You can upload it on any fileshare site and send URL for downloading on our emails.
Beter use for uploading MEGA or Dropbox.
You should not worry, we will not distribute software and confidentiality of information is guaranteed.
Nothing is impossible :) Much depends on the program protection. We can try.
But you need to understand, we can not guarantee the final result, and this work is expensive.
We are not magicians, but can try.
It will need your protected software, we will study the protected code and try to realize all your desires in the emulator.
And you need to understand that this work is worth the extra money.
We specialize in Windows systems.
Windows W2K, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 - x32 and x64 bit systems.
Server OS:
Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 - x32 and x64 bit.
Not. Emulators work without any restrictions under Windows W2K - Windows 10 x32 bit.
Emulators are based on driver have one restriction for Windows x64 bit systems (exclude Windows XP x64 bit).
Since Windovs Vista x64, Microsoft It is forbidden to load in a operation system drivers without a digital signature.
This becomes a problem when using some legitimate software and you’re unable to load an older program with drivers the error message “Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file” because of an unsigned driver.
To solve this problem you need to turn on the operating system to TEST MODE.
This is a special operating system mode without checking the digital signature of drivers.
The Emulator package includes all of the utilites to switch the system to TEST MODE and digital signature emulator by test sertificat.
Unfortunately we do not have a digital certificate for signing our drivers emulator.
For more information about TEST MODE, see the section FAQ "All about TEST MODE"
Not. For Windows x64 operating systems to make another emulator, because the systems have different command codes.
Yes, is possible. Dongle emulator not interferes with any other dongles in your system.
You can check it on your system, and if there are problems, we will try to fix it.
We can not definitely answer this question. We are responsible for the performance of their emulators.
And we do not know the behavior of your operating system.
You can try, but we are not responsible for your experimentation.
All about TEST MODE (only for Windows x64):
The MODE TEST is a special operating system mode in Windows x64 bit in which the system does not check the driver signature.
Our driver Emulators are not signed with a certificate and can only work in TEST MODE.
1. Download and copy TESTmode_ON.cmd or TESTmode_OFF.cmd file on any folder.
2. Open this folder on File Explorer.
3. Select needed file and press on him rigth mouse button.
4. Select Run as administrator.
5. After execute file Reboot computer.
If you are the turn on system into TEST mode, you will see in the lower right corner of the desktop inscription TEST MODE.
If you turn off it, the inscription disappears.
Probably your computer Windows X64 with UEFI BIOS.
If after executing TESTmode_ON.cmd and rebooting the computer you did not see the TEST MODE in the bottom left corner, then your computer BIOS is enabled Secure Boot.
Search Google [ How to disable Secure Boot ], because this procedure is different on different BIOS manufacturers.
After disable Secure Boot and start PC, do execute script TESTmode_ON.cmd again for enable TEST MODE.
Use the “Shift + Restart” combination
Another way of getting into Boot Option Menu in Windows 10 is to use the Shift + Restart combination. Open the Start menu and click or tap on the Power button.
Then, while keeping the Shift key pressed, click or tap on Restart
Then, Windows 10 reboots and asks you to select an option. Choose Troubleshoot.
Then, on the Troubleshoot screen, select Advanced options.
On the Advanced options screen, choose Startup Settings.
Windows 10 says that you can restart your device to change advanced boot options, including enabling Safe Mode. Press
After Windows 10 reboots, you can choose which boot options you want to be enabled. To get into Disable Driver Signature Enforsment, press F7 button.
Yes, it's safe.
But, this does not negate the fact that you should use good antivirus programs to protect your computer.
Base information in here.
Cross-Certificates for Kernel Mode Code Signing
Buy it here:
LeaderSLL Russia
If you need help with signing emulator with your digital signature certificate, we'll help you.
[Update Information ]
Now only Microsoft can sign drivers.
Driver Signing changes in Windows 10, version 1607
Clipping from Microsoft article:
"Last year, we announced that beginning with the release of Windows 10, all new Windows 10 kernel mode drivers must be submitted to the Windows Hardware Developer Center Dashboard portal (Dev Portal) to be digitally signed by Microsoft. However, due to technical and ecosystem readiness issues, this was not enforced by Windows Code Integrity and remained only a policy statement.
Starting with new installations of Windows 10, version 1607, the previously defined driver signing rules will be enforced by the Operating System, and Windows 10, version 1607 will not load any new kernel mode drivers which are not signed by the Dev Portal. OS signing enforcement is only for new OS installations; systems upgraded from an earlier OS to Windows 10, version 1607 will not be affected by this change."
Pricing and Payment:
Our services do not have a fixed price list and we have flexible approach to pricing.
After you send your Request we will review it and inform you final price and time for complete solution.
If you want to determine the approximate cost of our work, take the cost of your protected program and get from it from 10% to 30%.
But in any case, an individual approach to pricing.
Do not need order the program with small costs.
If your protected program costs between from $50 USD to $400 USD and you want install on one computer, then there's no point in ordering it, because it's not cost-effective and you'll spend your and our time.
Just buy the program :)
The exception is when your program costs a little, but you need to install it on a large number of computers.
This happens for the following reasons:
- The software manufacturer has cardinally changed the principle of the protection program.
- Protected program determines (identifies) the presence of the emulator in operation system.
- Sometimes we just do not have such an opportunity to create a universal emulator.
Remember, emulators are written and tested on a specific version of the protected program and do not guarantee the work of the emulator in the new versions.
You can send mony on:
- BTC or USDT coin
We will consider any offers to pay for our services.
We will provide you the trial version of the solution or video solution. Then it all depends on you. Make a decision.
We guarantee you will receive the solution on your email or other means after full payment.
Our guarantee - our reputation.
We offer you several ways:
- We can make flash video how solution work on computer with your protected program.
- We can try make TRIAL solution for check it on your computer, if we can do it.
- We can try another way to satisfy both sides.
Trial solution - a solution with a limited period of time.
Usually it works about 10-20 minutes after the start of the operating system. After this time the solution stops working. It is necessary to reboot the computer and can be tested ones more.
If we do not give you a Trial solution, then for this is the real reason.
For example your protected software can run endlessly, even with the Trial plan.
Or we can take such a decision on its own reasons.
If all Ok, you pay the money and we send you unlimited solution on your email or on any other way.
We are ready to give you a reasonable discount, but will agree need to start to build a relationship of trust.
First maded and fully paid order can be regarded as a relationship of trust.
After that, we can promise you guaranteed a reasonable discount on the next order.
Regular customers of our service has already enjoyed a good discount.
First, Inform us about it and we checked again the solution on our computers.
Second, we will check the solution to your computer via remote access.
If, indeed, it appears that the solution does not work, we guarantee a refund.
Sometimes we get warnings from clients about viruses in our solutions or tools. Usually they are “false positives” because our solutions and tools are protected. The antivirus program cannot unpack files and displays a warning “Virus Detected”. If you see the word “Crypt” or its variations in the description of the virus, this means that antivirus software cannot analyze this file.
To make sure that the tools are virus free, you can use the online virus search service on VirusTotal.
Or use the best antivirus in the world Kaspersky Internet Security.
We do not see the reasons why you are applying to us, and not to this other site.
We just note that our price is determined by the professionalism of our employee, the quality of work, the deadlines for execution and our reputation - all this guarantees.
Software and your service:
We do not know how specific software works, it's not our job.
Our work is to make dongle emulators and check the protection of programs.
Our work is the creation of dongle emulators and hacking software protection.
We can help you with this, but we can not study your software for you.
It is assumed that the customer, addressing us, knows how the software works, and understands that the customer needs from the software.
Yes, we can try.
For this task, we need your software to study and find the password.
We are not a software pirates or software distributers. We work only with munufacturer of software or software end users.
If you are an end user of the program, you must have installation files and potected information (hardware dongle, activation keys and etc.) or other information needed to emulate, activate, or find the solution to the evil of your task.
We can not realize all your dreams, but we want you to be happy!!!
If you have not received a response to your request Email within 2-3 days, it is likely that our answers were your spam box.
Check your spam box and remove our email adress from here.
We are not a software pirates or software distributors.
I have question not presented by this FAQ!
Write e-mail to Glasha@brstudio.com or Glasha.GGS@gmail.com and we add your question in this FAQ.
ElitronCAD 2D Footwear
ElitronCAD 3D Footwear
PolyPattern v7.5
TVP Animation v10 Pro STD
LG FlashTool v1.4.1
WinFrog v3.10.5
Possible include all modules
Bosch Building Integration System (BIS) v3.0
Only for customers with real License!!!
Possible change license file information.
Cadna/A v3.6.117
Possible include all modules.
This site was created and designed by Brain Studio.
Our sites:
Our emails:
Our chat:
Skype: Glasha_GGS
Hangouts: Glasha.GGS@gmail.com
Only use these sites to obtain reliable information.
We are in no way associated with any other websites or emails.
Be careful!!! Do not fall for the bait scams.
If you have not received a response to your request Email within 2-3 days, it is likely that our answers were your spam box.
Check your spam box and remove our email adress from here.
Nothing illegal here (no any file, crack, patch, codes, keys, generators, dongle emulators links here), this is only site links resource as thousands other internet sites. Information on this website represents some compatibility list and is for our own knowledge. This absolutely does not mean that we are selling the illegal copies of these programs.